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Because I joined CureClick, as a Clinical Trial Ambassador, you will see posts like this from me occasionally. Not all will be COPD related. Many COPD patients, like myself, suffer from other illness as well. So, this is in effort to aid in bringing awareness to Clinical Trials, and support the many other illnesses my family has had to deal with. With support, participation, and sharing, we can help find new treatments, or even a CURE for some illnesses!

As always, I thank you for your continued support!


If you have Mild or Moderate Asthma and you're looking for new treatment options, this clinical trial may be right for you.
This study is for patients who have mild or moderate asthma and are using a reliever inhaler. If approved, it is hoped that the study drug will improve your lung function and overall symptoms of asthma.
More about the study:
  • The study drug (Lebrikizumab ) is administered by Subcutaneous injection (SC).
  • This trial is 22 weeks long, requiring 9 visits and 0 overnight stays
If you are interested, full study details and eligibility criteria are listed here.
Eligibility Criteria:
Participants must:
  • between 18 – 75 years old
  • be diagnosed with asthma for more than 1 year
  • be willing to attend 9 study visits over a 22 week period of time
Participants must not:
  • have used corticosteroids in the last 4 weeks
  • have any other lung diseases (like COPD )
  • be a current smoker
If you’re not familiar with clinical trials, here are some FAQs:

What are clinical trials?

Clinical trials are research studies to determine whether investigational drugs or treatments are safe and effective for humans. All new investigational medications and devices must undergo several clinical trials, often involving thousands of people.

Why participate in a clinical trial?

You will have access to new investigational treatments that would be available to the general public only upon approval. You will also receive study-related medical care and attention from clinical trial staff at research facilities. Clinical trials offer hope for many people and an opportunity to help researchers find better treatments for others in the future.
Learn why I’m talking about Clinical Trials


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