Severe Asthma

If you have Severe Asthma and your current symptoms are not well controlled, this study may be right for you. Despite standard treatment, up to 50% of asthma patients have symptoms that are not well controlled, with a negative impact on quality of life.
The purpose of this research study is to assess the safety and effectiveness of the investigational drug when administered in severe asthma patients whose symptoms are otherwise uncontrolled with current standard therapy.
More about the study:
The study drug (Benralizumab) is administered by Subcutaneous injection (SC).
This trial is 48 – 56 weeks long, requiring 17 – 19 visits and 0 overnight stays
If you are interested, full study details and eligibility criteria are listed here.
Eligibility Criteria:
Participants must:
between 12 – 75 years old
have asthma diagnosed by a doctor.
have been treated with an inhaler in the past 3 months
have had at least 1 exacerbation (worsening of your asthma that requires medical intervention or a change in medications) in the past year
Participants must not:
have severe lung disease other than asthma
have HIV, Hepatitis B or C
If you’re not familiar with clinical trials, here are some FAQs:
What are clinical trials?
Clinical trials are research studies to determine whether investigational drugs or treatments are safe and effective for humans. All new investigational medications and devices must undergo several clinical trials, often involving thousands of people.
Why participate in a clinical trial?
You will have access to new investigational treatments that would be available to the general public only upon approval. You will also receive study-related medical care and attention from clinical trial staff at research facilities. Clinical trials offer hope for many people and an opportunity to help researchers find better treatments for others in the future.
Learn why I’m talking about Clinical Trials