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27 Healthy Changes for COPD

27 Healthy Changes for COPD

    When you have COPD or any chronic illness, it is important to make sure that you are taking care of your health. We all fall into bad habits, or just lose track of goals.

    We need to eat right, but that microwaveable meal is so much easier to make! Right?

    Our goals vary as well. Some need to lose weight, while others need to gain a few pounds.

    But, what simple things can be done to boost our health and well being?

    Here are 27 easy things to do for your health. Simple changes, slowly over time, will be a huge benefit. Try one or two new things each day.

  1. Right after waking, drink a 6 ounce glass of water.
  2. Have smoothie for breakfast. The fruit and veggies will provide lots of nutrition and fiber.
  3. Skip your morning coffee and have your favorite tea instead. Caffeine in coffee  may cause a stress response in your body.
  4. Drink at least one, 6 ounce glass of water  for every 10 pounds you weigh each day. This will keep your body well hydrated. Yes, it is a LOT of water.
  5. Eat fresh veggies, raw is best. But, harder veggies should be at least lightly steamed to make their nutrients easier for your body to utilize. Every day, every meal, a different colored veggie! Eat the rainbow!
  6. Eat small portions of meat with your lunch and dinner. A different meat at each meal. (Pork for lunch and fish for dinner today, tomorrow maybe chicken for lunch and beef for dinner.)
  7. Make breakfast and lunch your heaviest meals. They will provide you with more energy to get through your day. Dinner should be light if you are overweight, as you will not be able to burn off the meal before bedtime.
  8. Eat a side green salad with your lunch and dinner.
  9. Snack on nuts and seeds throughout the day.
  10. Think of 5 things to be grateful about in your life.
  11. Meditate for at least 5 minutes, several times a day. Just sit in silence, maybe thinking of all that you are grateful for.
  12. Spend time in nature, even if that means only having breakfast on the porch.
  13. Hug someone. It will make you both feel better.
  14. Smile to strangers. It will give a positive boost to your mood.
  15. Make someone laugh and laugh with them.
  16. Practice yoga or some stretching for at least 10 minutes in the morning and in the evening.
  17. Watch your posture, especially when you eat.
  18. Read about something you have always wanted to learn more about.
  19. Clean up your working space, it will help you stay more focused.
  20. Clean up your bedroom. Keeping it clutter free will help you sleep better.
  21. Listen to classical music. Studies show it can boost your cognitive function.
  22. Dance to your favorite song. Several times a day. Great exercise!
  23. Let go of any anger you are holding on too. It might killing you faster than your illness will.
  24. Take a nap, no longer than 3 hours.
  25. Wake up an hour earlier than you have too. Use this time to get things done without distractions.
  26. Turn off all of your devices, and TV, at least one hour before bedtime.
  27. Sleep for at least 8 hours each night.


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