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Ch... Ch... Changes

Ch... Ch... Changes

(RIP to all of the AMAZING artists we have lost recently.)

Hey everyone! I hope you are all well and enjoying the nicer weather! 

Yes, there are big changes coming up in my life. Some have already started. Some good and some bad. Some just eh. Haha!

My father, who also has COPD and I lived with, bought a house in Missouri. He MOVED the day he closed and received the keys. Hasn't been back since. 

Left me and my lil one in our family home to clean it and prepare it for sale. With NOTHING we actually needed. 

You know, things like trash bags, toilet paper, paper towels? 

And no money to pay for housekeeping help, as he was a hoarder, no money to pay for lawn care, tree trimming. Eh, no matter. A dear friend has sent me money to purchase those items, and I even let an old friend move in temporarily to help clean in exchange for a place to stay. Trust me, I am going to owe HER for the cleaning! 

I am incredibly lucky to have friends like that! 

Oh! And my friend Heather brought me the Taco Bell I had been CRAVING! YES! 

Also, a friend and former coworker has asked me to help him get his business up and running via social media promotion. So that is taking a good chunk of my time.

When I first started HOPE for COPD, a totally different type of thing, I used to spend 40-50 hours a week on it! Now, I am helping him out a few hours at a time, and trying to enjoy the nice weather. 

Haha, this is no money maker, just working off debt. He helped me out back in September and I have not been able to pay him back. So this is my way. 

Since my father has decided to neglect his health, by not taking his medication for his PTSD, and raging out at me... My daughter and I will NOT be moving to Missouri. I cannot put my child in that situation. So, we are looking at buying that truck and camper/travel trailer very seriously. We will visit him, but not stay for more than a few days.  

As it stands, the friend I have living here and helping me clean will be moving this morning. Sadly. But it has been so nice catching up with her! 

Hopefully, life finds that nice bit of calm wind and stays with me so I can focus on my own things and get back on track! 

Nothing is changing with HOPEforCOPD except the lack of time to spend on getting the website running, and scheduling posts. I promise, once things settle, I will be back full force! 




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